Anna Halkowich
(315) 858-1207
email: annah3138 @
Health Officer: Rachael Munyan
Freedom of Information Act Requests may be submitted to the Town Clerk. Please allow 5 days for a response.
Official Notices appear in the Times Telegram (Contact: (315) 866-2220).
The Clerk maintains an official bulletin board on the porch of the Town Hall.
Contact the Clerk for Dog Licenses, Building Permits, and Handicap Parking Permits.
Marriage Licenses, Birth Registrations and Vital Statistics.
The Town Clerk offers Notary Services
Local laws linked herein are provided for convenience, the user is cautioned that this may not be a complete listing of local laws, and that the descriptions of the files names are provided for convenience only and do not form a part of the law, nor limit the scope of same in any way. Contact the Town Clerk for further information.